To enable auto-delete, press and hold on any message > Select > Clear Chat in the top left corner.Control auto-delete settings in any of your chats, as well as in groups and channels where you are an admin.Set messages to auto-delete for everyone 24 hours or 7 days after sending.Join Voice Chats as one of your Channels to hide your personal account.Change the title of your Voice Chat to give people an idea of the current topic.Create separate Voice Chat Invite Links for listeners or speakers.Raise your hand to show admins you want to speak.See user bio texts right from the list of participants.See that a chat is being recorded from the red dot next to its title.Record voice chats to share or publish in Channels later.Host discussions that can be listened to by millions of people simultaneously.Start limitless Voice Chats in Groups and Channels.VOICE CHATS 2.0: CHANNELS, MILLIONS OF LISTENERS, RECORDED CHATS, ADMIN TOOLS.Pay for goods directly using one of 8 integrated payment providers – Telegram doesn't see your payment info.Offer real goods and services for sale in any group, channel or bot – Telegram doesn't charge a commission.
Update your profile pic and bio from the voice chat window. Browse full-sized profile pictures and expanded bios directly in the list of participants. View a countdown to the voice chat and get notified when it starts. Schedule voice chats to let participants know about them in advance. Group video calls are supported natively on all devices, including iPads and laptops. Create voice chats from the info page of any group where you are an admin. Talk without video with an unlimited number of participants. Share your screen or video from your camera with up to 30 participants (limit to be increased soon). Start video conferences from Voice Chats in any group. Improved group video calls in voice chats. Share your screen in 1-on-1 video calls, as well as group video calls. Add timestamps like '0:45' to video captions and replies to automatically create links that play the video from that specific moment. Enjoy higher resolution from video messages in your chats. To start a Group Video Call, create a Voice Chat from the info page of any group where you are an admin - then turn your video on. Group Video Calls now support up to 1000 video viewers, as well as unlimited audio-only listeners.
Video Calls with up to 1000 Viewers, Video Messages 2.0 and More. FLIP PLAYER FOR MAC 10.6.8 FULL
There's more! View the full list of changes in-app or on our blog. Profile pictures in groups follow the messages as you scroll the chat.
Set stickers or GIFs as your profile video - or as profile videos for your groups or channels. Trending Stickers are now shown above 'Recently Used'. Live Stream to an unlimited number of viewers in groups and channels. Live Streams, Flexible Forwarding, Jump to Next Channel and More. Finished recordings are sent to the admin's Saved Messages and can be easily shared.
Choose between recording in portrait or landscape orientation. Admins can start recording from the Settings. Record video and audio from live broadcasts in your group or channel. To protect privacy, read receipts are only stored for 7 days after the message was sent. Select one of your outgoing messages in small groups to see who recently viewed it. See the "Watching" status when your chat partner is enjoying emoji effects with you. If your chat partner also has the chat open, you will both see the effects and feel the vibrations simultaneously. Send :fireworks:, :party_popper:, :balloon:, :pile_of_poo:, :thumbs_up: or :heart: to any private chat, then tap on the animated emoji to launch the effect. Some animated emoji now have fullscreen effects. All chat themes have day and night versions and will follow your overall dark mode settings. Each new theme features colorful gradient message bubbles, beautifully animated backgrounds and unique background patterns. Both chat participants will see the same theme in that chat – on all their devices. Click (⋯) in a chat then 'Change Colors' to pick a theme. Choose one of 8 new preset themes for any individual private chat. CHAT THEMES, INTERACTIVE EMOJI, READ RECEIPTS IN GROUPS AND LIVE STREAM RECORDING.